Saturday, 21 February 2015

RETURN FROM ANATHEMA (A collaboration between CeCe Ireneh and Ara deinde

I remember days when my lakes froze by noon
Days when the night skies denied the moon
I reminisce that cold cave of horror
nights when beastliness was thorough
Oh! How I shrank with terror

"Hello, can you hear me?" I was beseiged
I kneeled, shrieked and beseeched
White faded into grey, those told lies
I can't forget times the truth never seemed nice

Before my sight, my heart lost its eyes
Squalid vistas, plus, I crept into ice
Oh rain, fill this drain and flush me out
Life numbed my brain and taped my mouth
They took it all, even the reservoir
They made faces and said aurevoir

Lord, quench my thirst with liquid laughter
Increase my pace as that of a panther
Can't this crying critter smile again
Won't I exchange my pains for gain

Give me life, give me hope
Make me smile, cut this rope
I want flight from this nadir
Give me wings of elixir

Here comes light, am I right?
No more binds, or am I blind?
I once felt anathematized by the heavens
At present I can levitate into joy's sweet haven

Love so profound, heavier than lead
Soothes and heals like balm of Gilead
I'm translated into paradisiac relief
Even if I'm blind, this relief ain't blind for belief
Now I'm safe , filled with glee
Dead to fear, brave and free

CeCe Ireneh and Ara 'deinde
February '15

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