Friday, 6 February 2015


I take a break from my nocturnal drawing, and
here's where I spend my 10 or 15 minute
leisure. I observe the posts and pictures. Some
people just don't change. They just can't.

There are the men's ladies that post flawless
pictures, you could swear they never slept
without electricity or they never did anything
involving drudgery since their birth. Their
pouted pictures ganer hundreds of likes from
toasters and admirers alike. Hmph!

There are the ever garrulous and braggart
fellows that simply have the online commission
to make noise. They say so much but have so
little to relay. They, in their minds' eye, are the
only wise and wild ones.

Then there are the "online underachievers",
those little crop of people that actually say
things that matter in many positive ways, but
the target audience is always targeting "hotter"
sources of info. These underachievers hardly
get credit for the truth they administer (well, we
hate the truth shaa).

Facebook is really a book of diverse faces.

Ara 'deinde
February '15

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