Many a time, the pragmatics of pain is present in my heart in tranquil
peril- only I can fathom its depth. My travel into the woods with
twisted thistles and thorns tracing my track is not an uncommon Odyssey,
an unwelcome one it is though. My outsides are cool, but my insides are
the opposite of blue. As much as I seek to feel love at least when I
close my eyes, the hatred that radiates stifle like ice, sometimes,
frozen ice.
All of a sudden, an inferno lights up my heart and sublimes the
freeze into steam. I didn't ask for an extreme firing like I'm getting.
Lukewarm would have been just fine. Passenger™ says "we burn with
millions of little lights shining in our hearts. One lights up everytime
we feel love in our hearts, one dies when love moves away. However, the
flames of love here is burning with fiery friendliness. I'm so hooked
to the beams of love that my heart melts in the flames. The flames bring
what I've been on the run from. Pain.
It sometimes seem like fireflies have come to the rescue from the
cold crevices of carnage with their seemingly colossal wings, but at
other times, they seem as though their dragon fires spew against their
wings and cause me to gravitate towards the snow again. I nevertheless
levitate to repeat the appalling cycle. Amidst all the ruckus, one thing
is still sure though. Love isn't lost. My friends prove that, and she
proves that too.
Ara 'deinde